Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Parkgate Dee Estuary - 12th & 16th October

The first visits of the autumn to Parkgate on the Dee Estuary resulted in some good views of flocks of Pink-footed Geese and Knot from the roadside.

Pink-footed Geese

Monday, October 7, 2019

Horseshoe Plantation - 6th October

It was sunny and reasonably warm so I couldn't resist making one final visit of the year to Horseshoe Plantation to see what would be left in terms of butterflies. A Clouded Yellow was a nice surprise. Apart from that it was a variety of admittedly very worn individuals including Common Blue, Brown Argus, Small Heath, Small Copper, Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood. There was also a very attractive female Stonechat.

Clouded Yellow
male Common Blue
female Brown Argus
Meadow Brown
Small Copper
Small Heath
Speckled Wood
female Stonechat

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Rye Harbour & Pett Level - 5th October

A morning trip to Rye Harbour produced some of the expected species including Marsh Harrier, Grey Plover, Little Grebe, Curlew and Greylag Goose.

Greylag Goose
Little Grebe
Local Rye Sheep
Grey Plover