Thursday, September 17, 2020

Horseshoe Plantation - 17th September

In the stiff breeze at Horseshoe Plantation there were still some good looking butterflies to be seen including Adonis Blue, Brown Argus and Common Blue, even a Chalkhill Blue, and some Small Coppers plus Clouded Yellow, Wall Brown, Small White, Small Heath and Meadow Brown. Since this may well be my last visit of the year I thought I would provide a brief end of term report on this site. During the past two years I have found 32 different species at this relatively small area of downland by the sea near Eastbourne. 2020 seems to have been a good year for Grizzled Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Wall Brown, Adonis Blue and Silver-spotted Skipper compared to 2019, all the more encouraging since the area to the east of Belle Tout Wood was sectioned off in Spring and grazed by 3 ponies which impacted the butterflies. Next year it is the turn of the west section towards Birling Gap. There are small colonies of both Small Blue and White-letter Hairstreak but they only number a few butterflies, it's not clear to me why they are not also flourishing, particularly the Small Blues. I have only seen a single Small Tortoiseshell in two years and this year no Painted Ladies. However, Dark Green Fritillaries were plentiful in 2020 and there are now daily sightings of Clouded Yellow. I have yet to record Orange Tip or Ringlet, maybe next year.

male Adonis Blue
male Adonis Blue
male Brown Argus
male Brown Argus
female Common Blue
female Common Blue

There were also several Common Darters and a Migrant Hawker enjoying the sunshine.

female Common Darter
Migrant Hawker

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Whitehawk Hill, Brighton - 15th September

I couldn't resist the opportunity to possibly see a Long-tailed Blue, which would be a first for me, so I set off reasonably early to Whitehawk Hill near Brighton Racecourse. When I arrived at ca. 9.00 a.m. there was already one other keen observer there and together we found a fresh looking LTB. Numbers (of people) slowly increased and in the main area of interest near the patch of Broad-leaved Everlasting Pea there were several sightings of slightly worn male LTBs and a very attractive fresh female. At around midday I wandered back to where I had first started and was lucky enough to come across a mating pair which three of us watched for some time and managed to get some great shots. A truly special morning in fine weather on the Sussex Downs.

pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues
pairing Long-tailed Blues

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Herstmonceux Castle - 13th September

In amongst the beautiful backdrop of Herstmonceux Castle there were plenty of Small Coppers and a Clouded Yellow in the flower gardens.

female Clouded Yellow
female Clouded Yellow
Small Copper
Small Coppers pairing
Small Coppers pairing
Small Copper
Small Copper

Friday, September 11, 2020

Horseshoe Plantation - 11th September

At Horseshoe Plantation near Beachy Head in East Sussex there are still a few nice male Adonis Blues, the very last of the Chalkhill Blues and some fresh Common Blues plus Brown Argus amongst others.

male Adonis Blue
Brown Argus
male Chalkhill Blue
female Common Blue
female Common Blue
female Common Blue
male Common Blue

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Didsbury - 9th September

I have been checking the buddleia bushes in Fog Lane Park in Didsbury, Manchester and finally today I found a prisitine Comma and two Red Admirals, plus a female Speckled Wood.

Red Admiral
Red Admiral
Speckled Wood female

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Didsbury - 4th & 5th September

Compared to this time last year there are relatively few butterflies in Fog Lane Park in Didsbury. A year ago we were treated to Painted Lady, Comma and Red Admiral on the Buddleia bushes but now there are only a few Small Whites and Speckled Woods. However, the latter are looking magnificent with several very fresh specimens and some pairing which bodes well for next Spring. They seem to really like nectaring on the over-ripe blackberries on the brambles.

Speckled Wood pairing
male Speckled Wood
male Speckled Wood
male Speckled Wood
male Speckled Wood
male Speckled Wood