Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ainsdale Dunes - 2nd August

In the Scots Pine forest near Ainsdale Beach there is an area where Dune Helleborine, Green-flowered Helleborine and Broad-leaved Helleborine all grow within a few metres of each other. The small and delicate GFH are in full flower, as are the impressive BLH, whereas the DH are coming to and end now although very popular with Red Longhorn Beetles. On the edge of the forest by the dunes there are now several Grayling flying together with Common Darters and marauding Robber Flies.

Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Common Darters
Common Darter
Common Darter
Dune Helleborine
Dune Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborines
Robber Fly with prey