In the stiff breeze at Horseshoe Plantation there were still some good looking butterflies to be seen including Adonis Blue, Brown Argus and Common Blue, even a Chalkhill Blue, and some Small Coppers plus Clouded Yellow, Wall Brown, Small White, Small Heath and Meadow Brown. Since this may well be my last visit of the year I thought I would provide a brief end of term report on this site. During the past two years I have found 32 different species at this relatively small area of downland by the sea near Eastbourne. 2020 seems to have been a good year for Grizzled Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Wall Brown, Adonis Blue and Silver-spotted Skipper compared to 2019, all the more encouraging since the area to the east of Belle Tout Wood was sectioned off in Spring and grazed by 3 ponies which impacted the butterflies. Next year it is the turn of the west section towards Birling Gap. There are small colonies of both Small Blue and White-letter Hairstreak but they only number a few butterflies, it's not clear to me why they are not also flourishing, particularly the Small Blues. I have only seen a single Small Tortoiseshell in two years and this year no Painted Ladies. However, Dark Green Fritillaries were plentiful in 2020 and there are now daily sightings of Clouded Yellow. I have yet to record Orange Tip or Ringlet, maybe next year.
male Adonis Blue
male Adonis Blue |
male Brown Argus
male Brown Argus |
female Common Blue
female Common Blue
There were also several Common Darters and a Migrant Hawker enjoying the sunshine. female Common Darter Migrant Hawker