Saturday, December 12, 2020

Splash Point & Newhaven - 12th December

My first trip to Splash Point which is at the eastern end of the promenade in Seaford, East Sussex, where the cliffs start to rise before dropping again at Cuckmere Haven. I had read that this was a good place to see Black Redstarts and sure enough as soon as I arrived I found two female type birds on the sea front. They seemed oblivious to the passers by, many of whom stopped to look at them and take pictures with their i-phones. Further up on top of the cliffs there was an equally photogenic Raven.

Black Redstart
Black Redstart
Black Redstart

Later I drove to the west pier at Newhaven where there were two Fulmars sitting on the cliff face and a Rock Pipit on the pier.

Pair of Fulmars
Rock Pipit