I found an excellent website for Frodsham Marsh (www.frodshammarshbirdblog.wordpress.com) which is a large area of mixed marsh and farmland in Cheshire ca. 40 minutes drive from Manchester. On the northern coastal side it represents the point where the Manchester Ship Canal begins its journey towards Manchester. The list of birds seen throughout the year is very impressive and so I thought I would try it out on a bright but cold sunny day.
I arrived just after 9.00 a.m. and walked along Lordship Lane where I soon found a mixed flock of Chaffinch, Pied Wagtail, Goldfinch and Reed Bunting with a very nice surprise of 2 Tree Sparrows - the first I have seen for several years. Further along there were plenty of Redwing zipping around and a few Raven flying overhead and landing in the trees. I also heard a Cetti's Warbler singing. At the end of Lordship Lane I found a few Curlew and a flock of Black-tailed Godwit which were quite mobile. By now the temperature had warmed up to 12oC and a fresh looking Red Admiral appeared in the sunshine. To end the day I drove on to Ince Marshes but unfortunately failed to find the Cattle Egrets, only Little Egrets being present among the pigs at the farm.
Tree Sparrow |
Tree Sparrow |