Friday, July 26, 2019

Ainsdale Dunes - 26th July

The plan was this was going to be the trip when the Helleborines were in full flower and it did not disappoint. Both Dune Helleborine and Green-flowered Helleborine were in excellent condition, especially on the edge of the Scots Pine forest where it joins the sand dunes. Marsh Helleborines were still in flow in the area nearer the beach. Also found some Round-leaved Wintergreens and Grass of Parnassus. In terms of butterflies there were Dark Green Fritillaries, Gatekeepers, Grayling, Peacocks and Common Blues. The bonus was a Red Squirrel which famously occurs here.

Dune Helleborine
Dune Helleborine
Dune Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Marsh Helleborine
Round-leaved Wintergreen
Grass of Parnassus
Speckled Wood
female Dark Green Fritillary
Red Squirrel