Friday, July 17, 2020

Nob End - 17th July

I have been meaning to pay a visit to Nob End near Bolton for the past few months and finally got around to it. This is the site of a former chemical factory that used the old Leblanc process for the manufacture of sodium carbonate or washing soda as it is more commonly known. It is a relatively small area but there is one field that has hundreds of Marsh Fragrant Orchids and thousands of Marsh Helleborines together with a few Common Spotted Orchids. In the neighbouring wood there are Broad-leaved, Dune and Green-flowered Helleborines including an astonishing example of the latter with eight spikes containing many flowers.

Green-flowered Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid

Marsh Helleborine
Marsh Helleborine
Marsh Helleborine
Marsh Fragrant Orchids
Green-flowered Helleborine