Sunday, October 11, 2020

Horseshoe Plantation & Beachy Head - 11th October

On the sunny east side of Belle Tout Wood there were two Wall Browns (male and female) flying around and basking in the late autumn sun. The cooler temperature at this time of the year made it far easier to photograph them compared to earlier in the year when they are difficult to approach down to less than a metre. Also seen were a Common Blue and Speckler Wood. Whilst chasing late butterflies I met a local birdwatcher who gave me excellent directions to see the Lapland Bunting which had been present for the past week near the Beachy Head hotel. Sure enough the bird was exactly where he described and curiously allowed people to approach fairly close to take photographs. 

Lapland Bunting
Lapland Bunting
Lapland Bunting
female Wall Brown
male Wall Brown
male Wall Brown