Monday, October 19, 2020

Galley Hill, Bexhill - 14th to 19th October

Considerable visible migration during the week with pulses of goldfinches flying east in groups of ca. 25 every 15 minutes or so, occasionally interspersed with small groups of Redpolls. Also hundreds of Swallows, with some House Martins, gathering around the house and hotels on the seafront preparing to depart. The highlight at Galley Hill was a Northern Wheatear which first appeared on the 14th October and then stayed around until the 19th. It proved to be extremely approachable as it fed on worms and crabs in the sand at the foot of Galley Hill. A very smart Stonechat was present on the 15th with a few Meadow Pipits and six Turnstones.

Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear
male Stonechat