Sunday, June 30, 2019

Arnside Knott & Myers Allotment - 30th June

A trip to the Lancashire/Cumbria border where the limestone pavement provides a rich habitat for various types of wildlife. I spent the morning exploring Arnside Knott where there were some Ringlets roosting early in the morning. Later I moved on to Myers Allotment which is a small Butterfly Conservation Reserve near Leighton Moss. Here I saw some Dark Green Fritillaries, Large Skipper and Painted Lady.

Dark Green Fritillary
Painted Lady
Large Skipper
Large Skipper

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Ainsdale Dunes - 29th June

Ainsdale Dunes has a very thriving colony of Dark Green Fritillaries which can be found all along the dune slacks and on the edge of the extensive pine forest. Also a Small Skipper. Both Northern Marsh and Pyramidal Orchid were in full bloom with some Bee Orchids still in flower. Dune Helleborine still not in flower.

Dark Green Fritillary
Dark Green Fritillary
Small Skipper
Northern Marsh Orchid
Northern Marsh Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid
Dune Helleborine
Common Spotted Orchid

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Horseshoe Plantation - 23rd June

Some more Small Blues in the usual spot at Horseshoe Plantation just by the path as you exit the eastern side of Belle Tout Wood. Also Adonis Blues, Large Skipper, Common Blue and the first Marbled Whites of the season.

Small Blue
Small Blue
Small Blue
mating Meadow Browns
male Adonis Blue
Common Blue
Marbled White

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fore Wood - 22nd June

The first White Admiral of the season at Fore Wood although it sat up high in the tree and without a telephoto lens was difficult to photograph. Also a Large Skipper and Broad-bodied Darter.

White Admiral
Large Skipper
White-bodied Darter

Friday, June 21, 2019

East Blean Wood & Park Gate Down - 21st June

Another special trip over into Kent to see some specific targets. Firstly East Blean Wood where the sun came out sufficiently often for the Heath Fritillaries to fly around and allow themselves to be photographed. In addition to the butterflies there was also a large amounts of their food plant Common Cow-wheat in flower.

Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Common Cow-wheat
Holly Blue
 The afternoon was spent at Park Gate Down ostensibly trying to find Musk Orchids. After much careful scrutiny in the field farthest from the road we managed to find three spikes. These Orchids really are difficult to locate (and re-locate once found!) but were well worth the trip. Also found some nice Bee Orchids.

Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Bee Orchid

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Beachy Head to Cuckmere Haven and Friston Forest - 20th June

A perfect day for a 15 Km walk from Horseshoe Plantation along the Seven Sisters to Cuckmere Haven and then back via Friston Forest. Although a little early for Dark Green Fritiallaries, we did see some of the more common butterflies including Painted Lady, Red Admiral and Large Skipper.

Speckled Wood
Red Admiral
Painted Lady
Large Skipper
Biting Stonecrop
Common Spotted Orchid
Seaford Head

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ainsdale Dunes - 16th June

My second visit to Ainsdale Dunes to see how the Orchids were developing. The Northern Marsh Orchids were now in full flower alongside the Early Marsh Orchids, Pyramidal Orchids and Bee Orchids. Dune Helleborines slowly moving towards flowing later in the summer.

Northern Marsh Orchid
Northern Marsh Orchid
Northern Marsh Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid
Common Spotted Orchid
Dune Helleborine
Bee Orchid