Friday, June 21, 2019

East Blean Wood & Park Gate Down - 21st June

Another special trip over into Kent to see some specific targets. Firstly East Blean Wood where the sun came out sufficiently often for the Heath Fritillaries to fly around and allow themselves to be photographed. In addition to the butterflies there was also a large amounts of their food plant Common Cow-wheat in flower.

Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Common Cow-wheat
Holly Blue
 The afternoon was spent at Park Gate Down ostensibly trying to find Musk Orchids. After much careful scrutiny in the field farthest from the road we managed to find three spikes. These Orchids really are difficult to locate (and re-locate once found!) but were well worth the trip. Also found some nice Bee Orchids.

Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Musk Orchid
Bee Orchid