Monday, May 27, 2019

Queendown Warren & Yockletts Bank & Park Gate Down - 27th May

I decided I needed to make a trip to Kent to see two of the counties specialities, namely Man and Lady Orchids. I spent the morning at Queendown Warren where on arrival I heard a Turtle Dove singing which I took as a good omen. There were several Bee Orchids just coming into flower and also some Fragrant Orchids which were still a few weeks away from full bloom. I managed to find some Man Orchids near the top of the bank and someone kindly showed me the location of White Helleborines. Amongst the butterflies the highlights were undoubtedly the Adonis Blues.

Bee Orchid
Bee Orchid
Man Orchid
Man Orchid
Man Orchid
White Helleborine
White Helleborine
male Adonis Blue
female Adonis Blue
 I then drove cross-country for my first ever visit to Yockletts Bank in search of Lady Orchids. I spent the first hour walking in what turned out to be the wrong direction (although I did find some Lady Orchids). I then doubled back and crossed the road and found an explosion of different orchids at various places along the path. First Fly Orchids, followed by Lady Orchids and then one spot where there were Fly/Lady/Common-Spotted/Greater Butterfly Orchids as well as Twayblades - quite an impressive sight.

Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Greater Butterfly Orchid
Greater Butterfly Orchid
 ... and finally a quick stop-off at Park Gate Down where the Monkey Orchids were now in full flower. Also some impressive Greater Butterfly Orchids and Fly Orchids as well as Twayblade.

Monkey Orchid
Monkey Orchid
Monkey Orchid
Fly Orchid
Fly Orchid
Park Gate Down