Sunday, June 7, 2020

Ainsdale Dunes - 7th June

A week of cooler and wetter weather seemed to have had a positive effect on the orchids at Ainsdale Dunes. The Bee Orchids at the entrance to the reserve were now in full flower and there were noticeably more Northern Marsh Orchids and especially Early Marsh Orchids with a few Pyramidal Orchids starting to common into flower. One unusual Early Marsh Orchid had distinctly spotted leaves and so I assume this is a hybrid Early Marsh x Common Spotted Orchid. Other flowers I noticed included Biting Stonecrop, Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea and Common Restharrow. Common Blues, Dark Green Fritillaries and Small Heaths were the most frequently encountered butterflies.

Bee Orchid
Bee Orchid
Northern Marsh Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid
Early Marsh x Common Spotted Orchid
Early Marsh Orchid
Common Restharrow
male Common Blue
Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea
Biting Stonecrop
Small Heath