Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Horseshoe Plantation - 16th & 17th June

The afternoon trip on the 16th started unexpectedly when a growing number of birdwatchers arrived to listen to, and ultimately see, a Blyth's Reed Warbler in the large bush near the car park. The song was very attractive and distinctive. Butterfly action was provided by the usual species to be expected here including plenty of Large Skippers.

Large Skipper

The following afternoon I found two Small Blues and later on when the temperature started to drop the Marbled Whites and Dark Green Fritillaries started to settle. I also found a pair of Common Blues mating which always provides for excellent photographic opportunities.

Dark Green Fritillary
Large Skipper
Marbled White
mating Common Blues
mating Common Blues
mating Common Blues
Small Blue
Small Blue