Friday, July 30, 2021

Nob End - 30th July

My second visit of the year to Nob End near Bolton where the main focus was to find Green-flowered Helleborine. Inside the wood next to the large orchid meadow there were large numbers, most in deep shade requiring either a flash for photography or a very steady hand. Compared to last year numbers were certainly higher with many small clumps as well as isolated flowers. I also saw a very fresh Green-veined White.

Green-veined White
Green-veined White
Green-veined White
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine
Green-flowered Helleborine

Monday, July 26, 2021

Friston Forest - 26th July

Today at Friston Forest I found the most brightly and intensely coloured Broad-leaved Helleborine I have ever seen. The spike was densely packed with flowers creating a spectacular sight. It was in amongst other BLHs which showed considerable colour variation but were generally paler. All of the BLHs were close to where the White Helleborines has put on such a show in early June.

Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine
Broad-leaved Helleborine

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Marline Valley - 24th July

The flower meadows at both the eastern and western ends of Marline Valley have plenty of brambles and at this time of the year are a great place to search for butterflies. I saw singles of both White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary but both were out of reach of my camera. Better behave were the fresh looking Small Coppers, a Red Admiral, Gatekeepers, a single Painted Lady and a Peacock. There were also plenty of Small Skippers in amongst the grasses.

male Gatekeeper
Painted Lady
Red Admiral
Small Copper
Small Copper

Friday, July 23, 2021

Horseshoe Plantation - 23rd July

I found two Small Blues (2nd brood) today, one of which was very fresh looking – it’s a great challenge photographing the smallest butterfly in the UK. Also both Small and Large Skippers and some more Silver-spotted Skippers.

male Small Blue
male Small Blue
Small Blue
male Small Blue
male Chalkhill Blue
Large Skipper
Silver-spotted Skipper
Silver-spotted Skipper
Small Skippers pairing
Small Skippers pairing

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Fore Wood & Marline Valley - 22nd July

Since Andy was visiting Bexhill we decided to spend the morning first at Fore Wood and then Marline Valley. At Fore Wood we saw, as hoped for, the three specialities namely White Admiral, Silver-washed Fritillary and Purple Hairstreak. However none settled except for the Hairstreak which was gone before I could get a photo. The Damselflies were present in good numbers by the pond. At Marline Valley a Clouded Yellow flew through and this time stopped just long enough for the camera. Oh and yes we both agree that these look like Violet Helleborines in Marline Wood. Still need a couple of weeks at least though before they are in flower.

Clouded Yellow

Monday, July 19, 2021

Marline Wood - 19th July

OK so this year is going to be the year that I definitely see Violet Helleborines for the first time. Having spent countless hours searching Marline Wood near Hastings, and having unknowingly walked right past them last year, I was now armed with better directions. With some trepidation I approached the area, knowing it was probably too early for them to be in flower, and found two spikes in bud that looked like Violet Helleborines – the stems were really a kind of dark purple colour - and then a few more much smaller plants that were less coloured. So were these what I had been waiting for? I think so but the plan is to return in future to really see how they develop. 

Violet Helleborines
Violet Helleborines

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Horseshoe Plantation - 18th July

Back down to the South Downs to see how the butterflies were getting on at Horseshoe Plantation. The middle of July is when the Chalkhill Blues start to become really quite common, mostly males but today I found an unusually coloured female which caught my attention. I also found my first Silver-spotted Skippers of the year. They seem to emerge on the slope that goes up to the top of the hill and thereafter disperse to the lower part of HP on both sides of the wood. Other species of note were a good-looking Painted Lady, Large Skippers, a female Large White and a male Brown Argus.

female Chalkhill Blue
female Chalkhill Blue
male Brown Argus
female Chalkhill Blue
Large Skipper
female Large White
female Large White
Painted Lady
Silver-spotted Skipper

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Minera Quarry - 15th July

I thought I would have another go at finding Frog Orchids at Minera Quarry in North Wales. Unfortunately without reliable directions this is a rather daunting task given the size of the quarry – and yet again I drew a blank. However, plenty of Marsh Fragrant, Common Spotted and Pyramidal Orchids were present. I also found a very good stretch of grasses that was full of Ringlets. A single Redstart flew across my path as I was orchid hunting.

female Ringlet
male Ringlet
Common Spotted Orchid
Common Spotted Orchid
Common Spotted Orchid
Common Spotted Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Marsh Fragrant Orchid