Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Darlands Bank & Yockletts Bank - 19th May

Back over to Kent today with a first visit to Darlands Bank near Gillingham which has the reputation of having one of the largest colonies of Man Orchids in the UK. I figured that given the cool Spring that I might be a little early and that turned out to be the case with most of the plants I found just coming into flower. Still this looked like a great place to come back to in a couple of weeks’ time when they should be nearer their peak. Thereafter I headed down to Yockletts Bank where things were now in full swing compared to my visit just over a week ago. Plenty of Lady and Fly Orchids in full flower including a very pale coloured Lady Orchid. Common Twayblade were also plentiful and the White Helleborine were just beginning to flower.

Man Orchid
Man Orchid
Man Orchid
Man Orchid
Man Orchid
White Helleborine
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Lady Orchid
Fly Orchid
Fly Orchid
Fly Orchid
Fly Orchid
Common Twayblade