Saturday, May 15, 2021

Mount Caburn - 15th May

Despite the early morning weather (cool and light drizzle) this was hopefully going to be the day when I finally saw the Burnt Orchids on Mount Caburn. Armed with reliable guidance as to their whereabouts I set off early to Glynde, parked in the usual place, and walked purposefully up Mount Caburn. Soon all was revealed. I had forgotten how small they were, having only previously seen them once before on Beachy Head – and then only two plants. Here there were maybe a hundred or more. Despite the weeks of dry weather they seemed to be doing pretty well and clearly were at their peak. Another day to remember!

Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid
Burnt Orchid